Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's The Most Wonderful Time

.. of the year. Hearts will be glowing when loved ones are near.

:rudolph: Merry Christmas :santa:

Frosty the Snowman

...said "Let's run and have some fun before I melt away!"

:santa: Merry Christmas :xmas:

Spinning Around

... in Athens.

Why don't you call me?

... don't you remember what we shared?
I need to know that you care.

New Arrival

... in my heart's airport!

Thank you Terry :iconterry1977: for bringing this boy to our life :heart:

Waiting for You

... to fill these shoes and my life.

I'm gonna be a father :faint:
The happy mother is Terry :iconterry1977:

Miracle of Life

.. a new soul is coming to share our happiness.

Dedicated to Terry :iconterry1977: who's making it happend.

Light in the Windmill

... hope somebody is in.

It's a miniature windmill on a friend's garden...

Mountains of Fire

... a source of life is setting.

Harbour Tales

... sometimes dark, sometimes shiny.

An Empty Chair

... always brings me a sad feeling, a feeling of loss.

This Innocence

... is brilliant, I hope that it will stay.
This moment is perfect, please don't go away.

Beach Champagne

... a celebration of nature.

Hot Summer Night

... that's my time of the year.

City Lights

... far away from them, I get the chance to clear my mind.

Don't pay the ferryman

... until he gets you to the other side.

Higher Plane of Existence

...The secret, Chiang says to Jonathan, is to
"begin by knowing that you have already arrived".

Wedding Ceremony

"Do you lantern, take this lantern
to be your lawfully wedded companion
until storm do you part ?" ... said the little vase.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Green Piece

...of nature's beautiful puzzle.

Leave a light on

... for me.

Ruthless Time

... has not been kind.

Resting Peacefully

... in the calm of the sea.

What's the matter with you Rock

"... don't you see I need you rock ? " said the sea.

Stormy Thoughts

... of a peaceful mind.

Living on the Edge

... between the sea and a stonepath.

Standing Alone

... since 1473.